The typical set

👋 I am Rémi (email, twitter, Github)

You've just set foot on the typical set, a subset of my personal notes, my blog, some longform write-ups. Feel free to explore. You can start with what my life is like now, or what I am working on and thinking about now.

I co-founded a company

I am the CEO of .txt, a company that serves quality tokens. Our work started with an ArXiv paper on guided generation with Large Language Models, the Outlines library, but has expanded since. You can find out more about what we do on our blog.

I write software…

Before diving into Large Language Models I was particularly interested in Bayesian Statistics and generative modeling, MCMC sampling and symbolic programming. The interests translated into the open source libraries I maintained:

  • Outlines is a Python library to guide the generation of Large Language models.
  • Aesara is a Python library for defining, rewriting and efficiently evaluating mathematical operations on arrays; A "tensor" library.
  • AePPL is a collection of tools for A[e]PPL in Aesara.
  • Blackjax is a sampling library built with JAX, focused on ease of use, speed and modularity.
  • AeMCMC is a sampling library built with Aesara which builds symbolic samplers from model graphs.
  • Aehmc provides implementations of samplers in the HMC family (including NUTS) with Aesara.

…dig rabbit holes…

Unlike a traditional blog, most of the notes you will find here are constant work in progress. They form a tightly knit web of related notions. When traditional blogs are engineered, neatly ordered forests, the typical set is more like an aspen grove:


With this experiment I am also trying to figure out how to write useful notes, and how to efficiently navigate between them.

sometimes blog…

Notes that are found in the rabbit hole sometimes coalesce into blog posts. Unlike evergreen notes, blog posts are time-stamped and are thus allowed (sometimes expected) to become stale.


Currently reading

  • The 22 immutable laws of branding
  • The Creative Act: A way of being
  • Are your lights on? How to figure out what the problem really is
  • The art of community
  • Start at the end: How to build products that Create Change

About this website


This website is forever under construction.