Choose what to work on

When you have many interests the process of choosing what to work on next can be overwhelming. Most people implicitly delegate this process: do whatever most important person wants me to do. This removes pressure off of one's shoulders, and this is the idea behing organization systems like Getting Things Done: wear your planner hat every evening / Friday evening and execute the rest of the time. But that works well in a system where there are external reasons to prioritize some items. What GTD, etc. are planning for is execution, not plannification itself.

I however, pursue many activities for which I have no external pressure, with unpredictable rewards:

It mostly does not matter how the next task is chosen. In this case I think that asking the computer to choose for you helps avoid choice overload, frequent among knowledge workers.

The tool of choice here is spaced repetition, which is mostly used to learn stuff, but can also be used as a way to develop a concept and refine it over time. this blog post describes how to do it with emacs:

(defun my/space-repeat-if-tag-spaced (e)
  "Resets the header on the TODO states and increases the date
according to a suggested spaced repetition interval."
  (let* ((spaced-rep-map '((0 . "++1d")
                          (1 . "++2d")
                          (2 . "++10d")
                          (3 . "++30d")
                          (4 . "++60d")
                          (5 . "++4m")))
         (spaced-key "spaced")
         (tags (org-get-tags nil t))
         (spaced-todo-p (member spaced-key tags))
         (repetition-n (first (cdr spaced-todo-p)))
         (n+1 (if repetition-n (+ 1 (string-to-number (substring repetition-n (- (length repetition-n) 1) (length repetition-n)))) 0))
         (spaced-repetition-p (alist-get n+1 spaced-rep-map))
         (new-repetition-tag (concat "repetition" (number-to-string n+1)))
         (new-tags (reverse (if repetition-n
                                 (lambda (a x) (if (string-equal x repetition-n) (cons new-repetition-tag a) (cons x a)))
                               (lambda (a x) (if (string-equal x spaced-key) (cons new-repetition-tag (cons x a)) (cons x a)))
    (if (and spaced-todo-p spaced-repetition-p)
          ;; avoid infinitive looping
          (remove-hook 'org-trigger-hook 'my/space-repeat-if-tag-spaced)
          ;; reset to previous state
          (org-call-with-arg 'org-todo 'left)
          ;; schedule to next spaced repetition
          (org-schedule nil (alist-get n+1 spaced-rep-map))
          ;; rewrite local tags
          (org-set-tags new-tags)
          (add-hook 'org-trigger-hook 'my/space-repeat-if-tag-spaced))

(add-hook 'org-trigger-hook 'my/space-repeat-if-tag-spaced)

which we will need to adapt to work with zetteltasken notes in org-roam.

Note: We can turn the implementation details into a blog post, as blog posts are allowed to become stale. And use Org-transclusion to include related notes, including this one.

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